Sunday, April 4, 2010

9. KLASSI TÖÖ 5. aprill

wb. p. 78 ex. 6 and 7 Kirjuta laused kaudses kõnes ja tõmba jooned alla kohtadele, mis muutusid.
EX. 6
1. The guide told the visitors not to leave the luggage unattended.
2. Father told the girls to put on waterproof coats. He added that it was going to rain.
3. Monica told Sam to look for his bumbag in the car boot.
4. Teacher told students not to write the rules down.
5. Helen told Ken that he was going to fasten a tag to the cat's collar.
6. Mother told Kevin that they were going to make fire.
7. Nelly said that seh had dropped her key and she couldn' t find it.
8. The secretary asked Megan to rewrite the application. She added that it had a wrong date.
EX. 7
1. Father wanted his sons to chop the firewood and carry it in.
2. Mother wanted me to hang up my jacket on coat hanger.
3. Granny wanted me to show my itinerary of my trip.
4. Mother wanted Bridget to help her with the sheets.
5. Andrew wnted his co-workers to wear their name tags during the conference.
6. The driver wanted the passengers ti fasten their seatbelts.
7. Mum wanted Lily to hoover the roomsa and dust the selves.
8. Bessy wanted Megan to put off her sleepover.

Too töövihik õpetajale.

Ava MS Powerpoint ja koosta esitlus ühe Eesti naaberriigi kohta (Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Findland, Sweden)
1. It is located....
2. Its neighbour countries are....
3. Its capital is....
4. Its population is...
5. People speak....

NB! Lisa kaks pilti: riigi kaart ja pilt pealinnast.

Salvesta esitlus ja saada

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