Sunday, May 2, 2010

9. KLASSI TÖÖ 3. mai

NB! Luuletuse "The River's Tale" tõlge on esitamata: Martin, Merilin, Karl, Kristiina,Liisi, Helari.
Test U 11: Martin, Edgar, Merilin, Helari
Test U 12: Martin, Liisi, Karl, Helari
Kontrolli, kas eelmise arvutiklassi töö on esiatatud ja tehtud (wb. p. 87-88 ex. 1-2)

wb. p. 88 ex. 3
1. had met my teacher at the concert.
2. when I had heard from Sally.
3. if he had passed his maths exam.
4. if Justin had been at home previous night.
5. who had turned off the lights.
6. where I had been night before.
7. had not finished that book prevoius week.
8. if Ethel had sung that song once more.
9. Richard hadn' t tell us truth.
10. if Richard had left before Andrew.

wb. p. 89 ex. 4
1. Who was Kevin with last this night?
2. Did you buy tickets at the ticket office?
3. Who did hit my brother?
4. Why you haven't changed your clothes?
5. Did Mr. Martens has seen the cleaner?
6. Who did leave the classroom before the class ended?
7. Whose dog has come up to school?
8. Was she ill last week?

wb. p. 90 ex. 6 Kirjuta ära tõlge ja siis väljendid lausesse.
a) ikka kasutuses - 7
b) pole kasu- 10
c) taaskasutama pudeleid ja kilekotte- 1
d) kasutama telefoni- 9
e) harjunud olema - 3
f) harjunud vara tõusma- 2
g) tavatses ise süüa teha- 5
h) harjunud süüa tegema- 4
i) kasutatakse igal pool-8
j) ära harjuma- 6

wb. p. 93 ex. 11- leia üles sõnad.

Esita tööövik õpetajale hindamiseks.

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